Parchment in the Fire: What are political parties offering workers in the Spanish elections?

On 20 December, general elections will be held in Spain, amidst a climate marked by the fallout of the Paris attacks and the pro-independence debate in Catalonia, with a profusion of televised debates but no more than superficial coverage of the parties’ election manifestos. The People’s Party (PP) is presenting the fall in the number… More What are political parties offering workers in the Spanish elections?

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Michal Rozworski » Political Eh-conomy: Podcast: A labor journalism resurgence?   As unions and workers suffered defeats over the past few decades, so has labor journalism dwindled from a mainstay of major media outlets across Canada and the US to a relatively niche reporting interest. The past few years, however, have seen a still small but noticeable resurgence of

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