Parchment in the Fire: Left Bloc’s Political Motion and the Struggle Against Austerity

By Hugo Monteiro | 23 May 16 | Portuguese politics is in limbo. The good news is that this limbo, the thin ice on which this agreement is skating, also presents an opportunity to engage in clear and clean politics with room for actual negotiation. The bad news for the right wing and its allies… More Left Bloc’s Political Motion and the Struggle Against Austerity

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Parchment in the Fire: The left needs a progressive Euroscepticism to counter the EU’s ills | Costas Lapavitsas | Comment is free |

The left needs a progressive Euroscepticism to counter the EU’s ills | Costas Lapavitsas | Comment is free | Frustration is currently sweeping Europe and for good reason: persistent unemployment, inequality, weak growth and a pervasive sense of powerlessness, to name a few. Unfortunately, the main political beneficiary is

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