An Ecuadorable little satellite

A Russian Dnepr RS-20 rocket like this one will carry an Ecuadorian satellite into orbit next year. Sheesh. Those crazy Latinos, whatever will they do next? First Venezuela puts Simón Bolívar into orbit, then Bolivia follows suit with Tupac Amaru. Now, Ecuador is also getting in on the Earth-orbiting business,

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In capitalism, everything is a commodity…

…be it women: …or children: Yes, that’s right…human beings are now objects to be “won” in stupid radio contests. Incidentally, both these contests are being held by Canadian radio stations. Isn’t there some kind of CRTC legislation against this kind of audience-grabbing stunt? Or human-rights legislation? Or, in the case of the Russian male-order bride […]

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Putin asks a pertinent question

Does anyone have a pertinent answer for him? I think someone does: As usual, it’s the OIL, stupid! Meanwhile, Glenn Greenwald summarizes why no decent person should support what NATO is doing to Libya: No decent human being would possibly harbor any sympathy for Gadaffi, just as none harbored any for Saddam. It’s impossible not […]

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