THE FIFTH COLUMN: Why #DeleteFacebook

Not because Mark Zuckerberg is a self-entitled white-privileged frat boy who based Facebook on an app he developed called Facemash to rate students “hotness”. Not because of Facebook’s Predatory Business Model that leverages users and their friends personal information to maximize profits. Not because Facebook wants to replace the open

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LeDaro: Bangladesh: The Value of Human Life

The death toll from the Bangladesh factory collapse has surpassed 620. This is in a building which the architect said was not designed to handle industrial equipment. There was an obvious disregard of safety standards for which hundreds paid with their lives. Are the lives of Bangladeshis seen as equal

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LeDaro: Bangladesh: The Value of Human Life

The death toll from the Bangladesh factory collapse has surpassed 620. This is in a building which the architect said was not designed to handle industrial equipment. There was an obvious disregard of safety standards for which hundreds paid with their lives. Are the lives of Bangladeshis seen as equal

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CANADIAN PROGRESSIVE WORLD: A CLASSE act for Quebec’s next provincial election

Should an election be called, the more militant group of the Quebec student protest movement will mobilze students against ideology and neo-liberal politics. That’s according to CLASSE’s new manifesto, recently launched by Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois (pictured), the organization’s spokesman. The manifesto focuses on four core themes: democracy, feminism, social justice and

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