Accidental Deliberations: Friday Afternoon Links

Assorted content to end your week. – Scott Dance reports on the scientific recognition that the Earth’s oceans are warming far faster than previously feared, while Sid Perkins discusses the particularly large temperature increases in parts of the north Atlantic. And the American Geophysical Union points out that humanity’s unanticipated

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Accidental Deliberations: Monday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material for your Monday reading. – Fiona Harvey reports on the World Meteorological Organization’s warnings that we’re more likely than not to breach 1.5 degrees of global warming over the next five years. And Alex Wigglesworth reports on new research concluding that 40% of the land burned by wildfires

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Accidental Deliberations: Friday Morning Links

Assorted content to end your week. – Linda McQuaig discusses how the Biden administration is providing the Trudeau Libs with an example to follow in ensuring that the ultra-wealthy contribute something closer to their fair share of the cost of a functional society. And Alexandria Nassopoulos highlights the realities facing

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Accidental Deliberations: Wednesday Afternoon Links

Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – Aekkachai Tuekprakhon et al. study how the Omicron COVID-19 subvariants are evading both previous immunity and existing treatments. And Zak Vescera reports on Dr. Saqib Shahab’s recognition that misinformation and apathy are key factors keeping Saskatchewan’s vaccination rates low – though both government policy and

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Accidental Deliberations: Thursday Morning Links

This and that for your Thursday reading. – Pam Belluck reports on a new study showing that people who weren’t initially hospitalized for COVID make up over three-quarters of the U.S.’ long COVID cases, while Andrew Romano discusses the likelihood that people will face constant infection absent better vaccine protection

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