BigCityLib Strikes Back: OK, I’m Out

Attending NDP conventions isn’t supposed to be my full time job.  Rumour has it they’re handing out sleeping bags and we’re all supposed to sleep on the floor.  Not happening.  Mulclair will eventually win and give his speech to a convention center full of sleepy, disgruntled socialists sometime Sunday morning. 

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Here at the Convention

Just arrived at the NDP Convention, after getting lost. NDP Delegates are very friendly however, and pointed me the way. Just getting settled in, and I think it should make for a fun day, particularly after what I consider a slightly surprising First Ballot result. ONE COMPLAINT: Who decided to

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Far and Wide: Mulcair’s Magic Number?

One number everyone will be watching, Mulcair’s first ballot percentage. Some talk about a Mulcair first ballot win here at the NDP convention, but I think that would be a stunner. The conventional wisdom is multiple votes, and within that a conversation about what Mulcair needs on the critical initial

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today so far

the first day has been good. this has to be the first time a convention in Canada has been run with new media. the different campaigns have put together good programs. the leadership candidates all managed very thoughtful and inspiring messages. Part of a convention like this is to create

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