Sun News Network and the emasculation of the North American right wing

I haven’t had that much exposure to Fox News North but from what I’ve seen there’s obviously something fishy happening at that network which is symptomatic of a bigger issue with the North American right-wing male of the species. Listening to Brian Lilley’s chipmunk voice or recoiling from Mark Bonokoski’s lispy spittle or . . . → Read More: Sun News Network and the emasculation of the North American right wing

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“Put him in ground, for god’s sake”: Ezra Levant wears orange wig, drinks Orange Crush. Mocks Layton’s passing.

I thought the right couldn’t dive any lower but Ezra Levant and Michael Coren did just that on Fox News North. What can I say? Not even Fox News would ever go this low.



You still think Christie Blatchford’s opening salvo across the bow was a kindness? To all those journalists who . . . → Read More: “Put him in ground, for god’s sake”: Ezra Levant wears orange wig, drinks Orange Crush. Mocks Layton’s passing.

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Coren is a moron

…that much was clear long before his rancid race-baiting rant about the Tottenham riots, projectile-vomited at anyone who happened to be dozing, bored to tears, in front of a TV tuned to Brian Lilley’s show on Sun News last week.  Stand back!  Incoming! Hoho.  Black-berries, Black-thuggies.  Cute. Many found Coren’s stinky little diatribe offensive in […]

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Michael Coren: “It’s not about race. It’s about culture”. Bullshit.

Dawg posted a video tonight I wish I had never seen. No, not a clip from the latest slasher flick. Worse. Michael Coren, using the meme begun by disgraced ‘historian’ David Starkey that it’s ‘not racism, it’s culture’, went on a riot of his own on Fox News North with Brian Lilley gleefully cheering him on. His rampage . . . → Read More: Michael Coren: “It’s not about race. It’s about culture”. Bullshit.

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