Scripturient: This Says It All

The clearest, most concise statement about the alt-right protests and demonstrations comes from Mark Carney, former governor of both the Bank of England and the Bank of Canada. This protest was never about freedom: it was always about pushing a virulently rightwing agenda, endorsed by the treasonous Donald Trump, to

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DeSmogBlog: FreedomWorks Fails Basic Math And Economics To Smear Renewable Energy Investments

Freedom_Works_Logo.gif The corporate funded, Libertarian/Conservative “think tank” FreedomWorks is doing their best to convince Americans that taxpayer-funded energy subsidies and loans are a waste of our resources. Of course, that doesn’t apply to the massive giveaways to the dirty energy industry, only to the federal loan programs established to invest

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Left Over: Aww,isn’t that just too Cute? Full of lies and pastel-soft illustrations, the Enbridge ‘blog’ is now being featured as a big ol’ ad in Hufpost Canada…pretty disgusting that they would even accept the money, but not much of a surprise.. You can go and look if you are feeling particularly masochistic – so far,

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