A novel use for eggs and yogurt

What happens when you host a neo-Nazi on your TV show in Greece? Nothing…for about a week. And then, you get THIS: According to Russia Today, here’s what happened: A Greek TV host has become the target of a massive egg-and-yoghurt attack carried out by leftist activists angry that he

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Man up, Vic!

You want a piece of me? First, Vic, get a warrant: And when you’re done that, get a life: Public Safety Minister Vic Toews claims he was attacked on two internet fronts from inside the House of Commons last week and says in a letter to the House Speaker that

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WTF is going on in Panama?

Anonymous Panama has declared war on the Martinelli Government™. Why? Well, for starters, Martinelli & Co. are corporatist to the teeth. Yes, kiddies, the F-word applies. Fascism has come to Panama. And with it come all the usual horrors we associate with that word. Including, you guessed it, GENOCIDE: Ricardo

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Royally disgusting

Ahem. A little mood music, maestro: Ah, that was lovely. And a timely reminder of the class of person we’re dealing with here: an unelected monarch who dares to try to shut up a democratically elected leader confronting him over Spanish support of a coup against democracy in Venezuela. Yes,

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Shit Homophobes Say

Notice that all of this is verbatim, no “Shit ____s Say” spoofage needed: And as a side note, every one of these ‘phobes has previously been wank-listed here for those same words and many, may more. I guess that also makes this a “Shit Wankers Say” video.

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Orwell Rolls in His Grave

A documentary made a few years back, but still broadly relevant today. It’s all about how corporate lobbyists control government, and how corporate interests control media, and the dangers to democracy that result from this high degree of corporatization. The specific example here is that of the United States of

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