BigCityLib Strikes Back: Ezra Deletes

Before he deleted them like a coward, here’s everything @ezralevant tweeted about Christopher Peloso: #topoli— Ian MacIntyre (@MrIanMacIntyre) December 31, 2013 Pretty loathsome stuff, as per usual with The Ez.  Thing to remember is Ezra don’t delete unless someone tells him to.  Like boss Kory Teneyke, or a Sun

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BigCityLib Strikes Back: CBSC Dings Ezra

Ottawa, September 9, 2013 – The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC) today released its decision concerning comments made about “Gypsies” on Sun News Network.  During his program The Source, Ezra Levant made negative comments about that ethnic group.  The CBSC found the broadcast in violation of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters’ (CAB) Code of Ethics and Equitable Portrayal

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