LeDaro: Fracking Causes Earthquakes

Fracking caused over 100 earthquakes in Ohio. State geologists in Ohio have for the first time linked earthquake activity in the Marcellus Shale basin to hydraulic fracturing, confirming the suspicions of activists pushing for drilling limits in the interest of public health. State Oil & Gas Chief Rick Simmers told

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LeDaro: Mining and sinkholes

There is plenty of material on shale-gas fracking which causes air pollution, water pollution, gas in tap-water and all kinds of health problems. It has also caused earthquakes in certain parts of the U.S. In Louisiana, U.S. mining in general is causing sink-holes. What next? What more damage these mining

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LeDaro: Fracking Linked to Earthquakes

Fracking is still a very unproven technology – there are threats of contamination of air and water supplies as well as rural landscapes becoming industrial wastelands. Now, there’s the threat of earthquakes from the practices associated with fracking for shale gas. These are serious issues, for the environment, for public

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