Facing Autism in New Brunswick: World Health Organization Autism Resolution: Comprehensive and Coordinated Efforts for the Management of Autism Spectrum Disorders

As stated on the Autism Speaks website on May 23, 2014: “Today the World Health Assembly adopted a formal resolution making autism a global health priority. The assembly is the governing body of the World Health Organization (WHO). As such, the resolution brings a formal commitment by member states of

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Facing Autism in New Brunswick: High Functioning Autism Speaks Continues Betrayal of 50% of Autism Spectrum With Intellectual Disability

Autism Speaks continues its betrayal of the 50% of persons on the autism spectrum, those with intellectual disability, those for whom  autism is a disorder not a superior way of thinking or the possible subject of a new TV comedy series or a career as a well paid “autism” advocate with “Autism“ Speaks. 

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Facing Autism in New Brunswick: Autism Speaks Enters Into "PURE" Autism Research PACT; Excludes Autism With Intellectual Disability

Autism Speaks has entered into a Research PACT to continue its focus on “pure autism”  (referred to in the PACT as core symptom autism),   while ignoring 50% of the autism spectrum, those with intellectual disability (WHO, September 2013): “Working together, the PACT team is developing a platform of preclinical tests to

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Facing Autism in New Brunswick: Autism Speaks Betrays Children, Adults With Severe Autism Disorders: Autism Speaks Blogger Calls Autism A Blessing

Since my 17 year old son was diagnosed with autistic disorder and profound developmental delays (and more recently, like many who share those conditions, with epileptic seizures) little has been done to advance our knowledge of causes, to find treatments or cures for autism disorders.  In terms of our understanding

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Facing Autism in New Brunswick: Autism Speaks Joins Drake And J.Cole In Insulting 40% With Autism AND Intellectual Disability

Autism Speaks has joined rappers Drake and J. Cole in insulting persons with Intellectual Disability particularly the 40% of the autism spectrum with intellectual disability.  The rappers had published song lyrics referring in an insulting manner to persons who are “autistic, retarded”.  Autism Speaks did not simply criticize the rappers

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Facing Autism in New Brunswick: Autism Speaks Reluctantly Confesses: 40% Of Persons On Autism Spectrum Have Intellectual Disability

Intellectual Disability remains the Elephant in the Autism  Living Room;no one wants to admit it’s there or to talk about it It is politically incorrect in today’s autism world to acknowledge the existence of the invisible autistics, the one’s unlike Ari Ne’eman, John Elder Robison, Alex Plank and  Michelle Dawson all

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Facing Autism Disorders in New Brunswick: More Confirmation of Targeted Exclusion of Intellectually Disabled from DSM5 Autism Spectrum Disorder: But NO ONE CARES

Emily Singer has published an article at SFARI, Proposed guidelines won’t miss autism cases, study says, which appears to suggest that persons who would meet DSM-IV PDD-NOS and Asperger’s will “only” be reduced by approximately 10% under DSM5 criteria. The focus, as always, is on the HF end of the

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Facing Autism in New Brunswick: ABA Treatment for Autism: America Leads, Lets Catch Up Canada, Lets Get Moving Again!!

At one time the argument might have been made that Canada led North America in terms of provision of evidence based treatment for autism.  Strong parent advocacy had made gains in encouraging provincial governments in British Columbia, Alberta and New Brunswick to provide Applied Behavior Analysis treatment. Our federal government,

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Facing Autism in New Brunswick: "Thinking" Persons Guide to Autism Issues Proclamation Declaring Autism Speaks Does Not Benefit Autistic People

Some of the people referenced in this post are affiliated with Autism Speaks. TPGA does not consider Autism Speaks an organization that benefits autistic people. -SR I am not sure what constitutes “Thinking”  at the “Thinking” Persons Guide to Autism. The above quote from “SR”, Shannon Des Roches Rosa, precedes a

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