daveberta.ca - Alberta politics: NEP what? Trudeau Liberals dominate Oil Capital Fort McMurray

TweetPreliminary results from last week’s Fort McMurray-Athabasca by-election show that federal Liberal candidate Kyle Harrietha dominated in the industrial capital of Canada’s oil economy. According to an initial breakdown of the results by polling station, Mr. Harrietha earned 46% of the votes cast (2,560 votes) in the northern region the riding on June 30, 2014, which includes

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The Disaffected Lib: Could "America’s Quiet Environmental Revolution" Sound Last Call for Athabasca Bitumen?

A PostMedia article discusses what it calls America’s “quiet environmental revolution,” a nationwide, broadbased movement away from fossil fuels toward non-carbon alternatives. Even the most unlikely Americans are taking up the carbon-free challenge, often viewing it as a path to energy independence. Kentucky Republican congressman Thomas Massie, for instance, built

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