What you’re not being told about Libya

Bob Powell of Above Top Secret neatly unpacks the Libyan revolution-that-wasn’t. Some interesting shockers I hadn’t heard yet include the presence of al-Qaida, apparently operating with CIA blessing, in the “National Transitional Council”, and the presence of Qatari troops, in their own country’s uniform and speaking with distinctly non-African accents,

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Putin asks a pertinent question

Does anyone have a pertinent answer for him? I think someone does: As usual, it’s the OIL, stupid! Meanwhile, Glenn Greenwald summarizes why no decent person should support what NATO is doing to Libya: No decent human being would possibly harbor any sympathy for Gadaffi, just as none harbored any for Saddam. It’s impossible not […]

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The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

A Canadian documentary that starts with the CIA’s failed, lame attempt to develop LSD as a truth serum/mind-control agent. Instead, it became the catalyst for thousands of old beatniks and young hippies, formerly staid scientists and political activists to all come together in a radical questioning of authority. Isn’t it funny how as soon as […]

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In Toronto this weekend?

Then you might be interested in attending this: From Hands Off Venezuela’s e-mail list, the details: Subject: Please on the the 24thshow your solidarity with Venezuela! Sent by the Louis Riel Bolivarian Circle/Hands Off Venezuela DEAR FRIENDS OF THE VENEZUELAN BOLIVARIAN REVOLUTION, THESE LAST 12 YEARS, THE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL OPPOSITION TO THE BOLIVARIAN REVOLUCION […]

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Le Snog

An enigmatic image from last night’s post-hockey riots apparently has CBC in a twit-storm: Actually, I like this image a lot better than the ones of rioters jumping on cop-cars. It’s a much truer reflection of what Vancouverites (and Canadians in general) are normally like. And no, rioting is NOT due to anarchy OR “just […]

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Collateral Suicide

What do I have against the “humanitarian intervention” of NATO in Libya? Lots of things. This video contains a clue as to some of them: So, let’s recap: So far, no Gaddafi. Their main target (as declared by NATO) remains strangely elusive, considering all the “smart” weaponry they’ve supposedly deployed against him. All this for […]

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