“Put him in ground, for god’s sake”: Ezra Levant wears orange wig, drinks Orange Crush. Mocks Layton’s passing.

I thought the right couldn’t dive any lower but Ezra Levant and Michael Coren did just that on Fox News North. What can I say? Not even Fox News would ever go this low.



You still think Christie Blatchford’s opening salvo across the bow was a kindness? To all those journalists who gave Blatchford a pass, this is what you are enabling. I’ve never seen such disregard for a human life and death of a life from the right this week – all because that life was not a Conservative. Right to life? Bullshit.

I know I shouldn’t throw any more free publicity the way of these soulless bastards but hell, there should be a price to pay for this kind of childish mockery of human life and death. Somewhere over at the National Post, Christie, Babs and Jonny are drinking champagne laughing and toasting Ezzy and Mikey. It must be a proud time to be a right-wing Conservative. With Breivik, riots and Layton’s passing, they finally get to be their real selves.

Cross posted at Let Freedom Rain.